Friday 4 May 2007


Breaking Free

I have been thinking about routines. Seems like life runs on them. Its funny how I get ready the same way every morning: I brush my teeth, then put my contacts in, then blow dry my hair...hardly wavering from that sequence. I laughed at that this morning as I watched the foamy toothpaste I just spit out of my mouth go down the sink. I wondered - "Hmm, why do I do that? Why this particular order?" while reaching for my contact solution. I guess we truly are creatures of habit.Maybe that's why its so hard for people to change - we are so programmed into our routines that it can be hard for us to try a new one. "Blow dry my hair first then brush teeth?" That would throw my entire day off....ha ha ok maybe not.But seriously, I wonder what would happen if we stepped out of our normal groove and did things differently. And I'm not saying change up your morning routine - although you could. I mean - what if we take a moment and see beyond our daily routines. If we notice the people around us or if we just stop for a moment and enjoy the scenery laid out before us. God's beauty is everywhere and He's always wanting to engage with us. I like my routines - they help me function, but I don't ever want to become bound or blinded by them.
Lather, rinse, repeat-


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