Thursday, 9 April 2009



You were one with the Father.

Then the Father turned his back on you.

You felt forsaken,

hanging there between heaven's thunder

and the dank spittle of earth.

For that moment you belonged nowhere.

You were love, cut off from love;

truth nailed down by lies.

You must have wanted to explode, to disintegrate,

to disappear into a void.

But that was forbidden.

And that was the test.

Your blood burst through your skin

and ran down like sweat.

Your sweat ran cold

and drained into your heart.

The universe caught hold of your pain.

The sun went blind with grief.

The earth shivered in shock.

History was torn in two.

I stood at a distance,

my collar turned up,

like a murderer witnessing

a wrongful arrest.

Steve Turner


Deirdre said...

Why if so many claim to believe in this man is the world such a dismal place?

Dew of Hermon said...

Probably because the fullness of Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world. Although it must be said that down through the ages He has turned many hearts away from despair and towards hope and life.The ultimate test of Jesus' worth is to experience His love and mercy for oneself and, as the Bible says "taste and see that the Lord is good" - Gerry

peter said...

Our true joy and happiness is not here nor dependant on external circumstances.

Paul rejoiced and sang in a prison cell after he was beaten for preaching Christ.

I agree this world can be so dismal, yet compared to what we know will unfold we should be so thankful for the day we are in. Yet, I agree it can many times drag me down also. However, I have great hope. I look forward to the return of Christ,and to a day in which he will remove the curse that sin has brought along with that old Serpant. Christ will reign and this earth will be the paradise it was intended to be.

The gospel is an invitation to come to Christ and receive the wonderful gift of eternal life and know deliverance from eternal wrath because of his death on the cross. To come and be his and to know you will be priveledged to be with him and reign with him forever.- Peter

Martin said...

Deirdre, a lot of people talk about Jesus and that is all they do, beware of them, many of them dishonour His name. But many follow Him because they know and love Him and without them you can be sure the world would be a very different place. If you have a Bible read John's Gospel chapter 15, it describes the relationship between Jesus and a believer. Check it out and maybe you might check Him out