O God of mercy,look with pity upon all those who have been left homeless, bereft, in shock, in the wake of this mighty act of nature in Haiti.
Holy God, who fed your people in the wilderness, whose loving kindness is everlasting, lift the burdens of all who are weary from the search for food and refresh those who are parched from thirst.
O Source of all consolation , comfort with the sure sense of your presence all who feel forsaken, and all those who have lost loved ones.
Gracious God, you sent your son Jesus o bring sight to the blind, hearing and healing to all who asked, open our ears to all cries of affliction, and through us provide healing and help.
Merciful God, you ask us to cleanse our hearts, to loose the bonds of oppression, and to repair the ruins. Pour out upon us the spirit of your love and generosity that we might pour ourselves out for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti so that they, too, will know your generous healing power.We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen.
Adapted from a prayer of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
I pray that the Lord will answer this prayer and let His love and mercy bring comfort to the people of Haiti.
Amen and amen.
I'm so glad you posted this prayer, because along with the practical aid of food and medical supplies, wisdom and organisational skills to deliver the aid effectively are also needed.. We should lift Haitian leaders before God that He will give them the knowledge and strength needed for the task at hand.
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