Monday 26 May 2008


Jesus sets us free !

Recently I alluded to the mixed-message that is Christian t.v. ,so in the interests of balance I must say there is one channel on the Sky religious platform that has been a constant encouragement to me, Genesis t.v. Founded and steered by Howard Conder this channel shines like a beacon ,presenting real people with real struggles and real stories of the goodness of God in their lives. The other night I watched a repeat World In Focus programme which featured Johnny Kinch who has just written a book about his life and the remarkable way Jesus turned it around. Johnny is 34 and just four years ago his life was lifted from the pit of addictions by the gospel of Jesus Christ. Best leave the man himself tell his own story, and if you want to know more skip over to his excellent web site at





A few years ago I was in desperate need of a miracle, and had no purpose in life. I was an alcoholic, drinking about 6 litres of white lightning a day (a very strong cider drink that’s never seen an apple before in its life) plus whatever else I could get my hands on. I was addicted to cocaine and smoking 40+ fags a day. Every penny I could get hold of would be squandered on a compulsive gambling habit, and I was electronically tagged putting me under a curfew (as if I didn’t have enough bondage in my life already). All of my problems convinced me that I was never going to get out of the MESS I was in. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired, but little did I know that God had a plan for my life.
Through what seemed like a chance encounter, I ran into Jonnie Cave a guy I had known all my life. What I didn’t know however, was that a year before, he had become a Christian, and knowing what I knew about him from before and now being told this new information, I was gobsmacked! I couldn’t get my head around what he was saying. If he had become an astronaut, the Prime Minister or even a woman – I could have believed it! But a Christian?
No way! what did he want to go and do that for? Never the less it was true. Jesus had saved him but could he save me? There was only one way to find out.
After some thinking and with the urgings of my friend, I decided to go to a Christian gathering and when the Pastor Barry Thomas spoke, I could have sworn that someone had called him prior to me going and told him my life story, as everything he said spoke to me in a way I had never heard before. He offered me a way out. The way out was Jesus! All I had to do was believe he died on the cross, all those years ago, because he wanted to rid the world of sin, my sin…… I believed!
In the following two weeks, and with the power Jesus had given me in my new life, I stopped all my previous habits. I was no longer a VICTIM.
Today, I find it hard to believe, but never the less it is true. My whole life has been transformed, and I am now married and work as a project worker in a Christian hostel. Thanks to Jesus I can now use my experiences to help those who are burdened with the same problems I had, Alcohol, Drugs and Homelessness, be set free!
By making the faith visible, together we can make real lasting change in their lives.
If you would like to know more about what Jesus has done for you, please tab, or email me at I would love to hear from you.
God can turn a Mess into a Message. And a victim into a victor!

Johnny Kinch

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