Sunday 24 February 2013


 Jesus raises Jairus' daughter


That glorious Form, that Light insufferable,
And that far-beaming blaze of Majesty,
Wherewith he wont at Heav'n's high Council-Table,
To sit the midst of Trinal Unity,
He laid aside, and here with us to be,
   Forsook the Courts of everlasting Day,
And chose with us a darksome House of mortal Clay.

John Milton

Tuesday 19 February 2013



Today I remember my friend Aidan who died 5 years ago. A man whose generous life and searching heart was a blessing to many.  I miss my brother’s companionship and searing honesty when it came to the Christian life with all its twists and turns. While Aidan always strove to tell it like it is, he was careful to do it in such a way that it didn’t cause personal offence or hurt. Sometimes in the public forum he did go on a bit and literally tried the patience of some of the saints. However those with the good grace to listen would always reap a unique insight into an aspect of life or a facet of Scripture. I’m glad that I more often listened than grumbled and became a lifelong recipient of grace and kindness at the hand of this most gracious of Christian men. Today, brother with your family and those who became part of your ‘other’ family, I mourn your loss from us and take comfort knowing that your Blessed destination is assured.

 Just last night a lady came up to me whom I had never met before and told me a story about how Aidan had been a blessing to her. Apparently she recognised me from visiting Aidan’s house in Rosbrien, and spontaneously shared her experience of his kindness, oblivious to the fact that this was the eve of the fifth anniversary of his passing. She met Aidan on the street distressed by the fact that she had nowhere to live and he held her hand and prayed for her that the Lord would provide what she needed. Shortly afterwards she passed a building under construction and went in and told the builder of her plight. Then and there she was promised a place to live when the development was completed. She duly took up residence there and saw it as an answer to Aidan’s prayer. As she finished her story she hugged me in recognition of Aidan’s kindness and faithfulness to her in that hour of need. This is one story of many that shows the life enhancing effect that our dear brother had on so many people, the full extent of which we willnever know.

Gerard O'Shea

The following was written John O’Donohue who died just five weeks before Aidan, the thoughts expressed here speak for many of us at this time.

On The Death Of The Beloved

Though we need to weep your loss,
You dwell in that safe place in our hearts,
Where no storm or night or pain can reach you.

Your love was like the dawn
Brightening over our lives
Awakening beneath the dark
A further adventure of colour.

The sound of your voice
Found for us
A new music
That brightened everything.

Though your days here seemed brief,
Your spirit was live, awake, complete

Though we cannot see you with outward eyes,
We know our soul’s gaze is upon your face,
Smiling back at us from within everything
To which we bring our best refinement.

Let us not look for you only in memory,
Where we would grow lonely without you.
You would want us to find you in presence,
Beside us when beauty brightens,
When kindness glows
And music echoes eternal tones.

When orchids brighten the earth,
Darkest winter has turned to spring;
May this dark grief flower with hope
In every heart that loves you.

May you continue to inspire us:

To enter each day with a generous heart.
To serve the call of courage and love
Until we see your beautiful face again
In that land where there is no more separation,
Where all tears will be wiped from our mind,
And where we will never lose you again.

Monday 11 February 2013



Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson went on a camping trip.  After a good meal and a bottle of red, they lay down for the night and went to sleep. 
Some hours later Holmes woke up, nudged his faithful friend and said, "Watson, I want you to look up at the sky and tell me what you see."  Watson said, "I see millions and millions of stars."  Sherlock said, "And what does that tell you?"
After a minute or so of pondering Watson said, "Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of galaxies and potentially billions of planets.  Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.  Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three in the morning.  Theologically, I can see that God is all powerful and that we are small and insignificant.  Metereologically, I suspect that we will have a beautiful day today.  What does it tell you?" 
Holmes was silent for about 30 seconds and said, "Watson, you idiot!  Someone has stolen our tent!"