Saturday 14 June 2008


Friday June 13 will be remembered as the day that the Irish people gave a resounding NO to the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. As the only country amongst the EU who had to hold a referendum on the Treaty, Ireland was in a unique position and despite all three main political parties advocating a yes vote the electorate decided otherwise by a sizable majority of 53.4% against and 46.6% in favour. I think most people sensed a lack of accountability and basic democracy at the heart of the European parliament where several high offices would not be elected directly by the people, and also there seemed to be an unnecessarily heavy emphasis on updating of individual states defence capability. Now that the people have spoken our politicians are less than happy and already the usual European heavyweights are chastising us for our ‘unwise’ choice while the European union has gone in to a time of ‘reflection‘. What emerges from that time of reflection is anyone’s guess but it seems likely that the other 26 states will carry on regardless ,ignoring what Sarkozy has already referred to as the ‘Irish incident’…so much for democracy. Apparently the freedom of choice is guaranteed as long as everyone says YES, and as with a previous Niece Treaty if necessary the referendum will be repeated until we all say YES. Economically Ireland has benefited hugely from EU membership over the last decades, but the level of interference by EU legislation irritates and worries many, the spectre of a super World Government looming larger as the Union solidifies its position. Most people are all for a mutually beneficial union of the European states but few have the stomach for a United States of Europe with a common political and defensive strategy. This for most is a bridge too far and it seems that’s the way the Lisbon Treaty was perceived and rejected on this historic day !
Gerard O'Shea


Anonymous said...

The EU was initially conceived as an economic community which seemed like a good idea. But it has become an invasive force that has moved far beyond what was initially intended and has become an unaccountable "Big Brother".

Anonymous said...

All the intellectuals and those who hadn't a clue got together, for a Day, and what a day. Will the likes of it ever be seen again?

Anonymous said...

Praise GOD for the courage of the Irish people. I wish England would do the same thing. The EU is getting out of hand...enough is enough.

I am all for good lines of trade, but a political entity NO. The Irish people can govern themselves.