Monday 11 June 2007



Sometimes it all just washes over me,
The unremitting horror of the news
The daily grind of death and gloom
The ceaseless forecasts of even worse to come,
A million reasons in a lifetime
Not to wake to greet the dawning day.
Sometimes it sticks in my throat
And drips its crippling venom to my heart
And paralyses every instinct for growth and bloom,
And leg-ties every cartwheeling impulse.
Sometimes I can’t decide
Whether I’ve been bludgeoned
By the daily overload,
Or whether I’ve shook my head away
And stuck it in the clouds.
More days like these of indecision
Than days of certain empathy
Or wilful indifference,
Sometimes I wonder where most of us lie
To left or right or swooning in between?
And then the twinkling of a revelation
I fresh amaze that god of heaven cares,
And once millennia ago He left his throne
And rolled up his incarnate sleeve
And brought relief to our earthly disaster.

Gerard O'Shea

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