Saturday 26 January 2008


January 27 th. is Holocaust Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember
the horrific attempted genocide of the Jewish people, in which
6 million of them were killed. The two pieces I have chosen both
reflect the sheer awfulness of that event and one of them is a warning
that the anti-life spirit that inspired the Nazi terror still walks abroad
in our so called 'liberal' society.


We played, we laughed
we were loved.
We were ripped from the arms of our
parents and thrown into the fire.
We were nothing more than children.
We had a future. We were going to be
lawyers, rabbis, wives, teachers, mothers.
We had dreams, then we had no hope.
We were taken away in the dead of night
like cattle in cars, no air to breathe
smothering, crying, starving, dying.
Separated from the world to be no more.
From the ashes, hear our plea. This
atrocity to mankind can not happen
again. Remember us, for we were the
children whose dreams and lives were
stolen away.
Barbara Sonek

"Near at hand, we have been accorded, for those that have eyes to see, an object lesson in what the quest for 'quality of life' without reference to 'sanctity of life' can involve....[namely] the great Nazi holocaust, whose TV presentation has lately been harrowing viewers throughout the Western world. In this televised version, an essential consideration has been left out - namely, that the origins of the holocaust lay, not in Nazi terrorism and anti-Semitism, but in pre-Nazi Weimar Germany's acceptance of euthanasia and mercy-killing as humane and estimable.... It took no more than three decades to transform a war crime into an act of compassion, thereby enabling the victors in the war against Nazi-ism to adopt the very practices for which the Nazis had been solemnly condemned at Nuremberg."
Malcolm Muggeridge


Anonymous said...

This is a day of stern remberance, whwn we bring to our minds eye those awful images of what man can inflict on his fellow-man. We cannot forget, we must not forget... those who died because of the vanity of men becoming gods!
When we loose our place under the One True God, a lot more than religious faith becomes twisted and torn...even our common humanity is buried in the dust.

Anonymous said...

This is a heavey day. I am still stunned at what took place. Sadly genocide still continues.