Monday, 11 February 2008


'The Light of Spring' - Kevin Macpherson
Spring officially arrived in this part of the world over a week
ago on February 1st,however in reality its ‘sacramental’
presence was not felt till last Saturday. It was the first of those
lovely gentle days filled with sunshine and birdsong ,when one
can sense the process of natures rebirth reverberating in
every breath and breeze.Emily Dickinson captures the
sensation well in this wonderful poem. -GOSh.-






A light exists in spring

Not present on the year

At any other period.

When March is scarcely here


A colour stands abroad

On solitary hills

That science cannot overtake,

But human nature feels.

It waits upon the lawn;

It shows the furthest tree

Upon the furthest slope we know;

It almost speaks to me.

Then, as horizons step,

Or noons report away,

Without the formula of sound,

It passes, and we stay:

A quality of loss

Affecting our content,

As trade had suddenly encroached

Upon a sacrament.


Emily Dickinson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dickinson hits the metaphysical nail on the head every time,i love this poem.