Monday 26 January 2009


A picture taken just after the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau
by the Soviet army in January 1945, shows a group of children
wearing concentration camp uniforms behind barbed wire
fencing at the camp. Primo Levi was deported from Italy
and spent 11 months at Auschwitz during 1944-45.


In the brutal nights we used to dream
Dense violent dreams,
Dreamed with soul and body:
To return; to eat; to tell the story.
Until the dawn command
Sounded brief, low
And the heart cracked in the breast.
Now we have found our homes again,
Our bellies are full,
We're through telling the story.
It's time. Soon we'll hear again
The strange command:
* 'get up'
Primo Levi
Tomorrow is Holocaust Memorial Day

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