Saturday 14 April 2007


This piece was written by Rayne(above), a 19 year old from South Africa who had an excellent blog on Window space called 'I am understood - Driven by God'. Last August she set off for India to do missionary work for a year.

I just want to say...

When your head hurts, when its in your stomach..its breaking..its empty..its not beating DONT have to feel that way really really dont..i promise you that.. I think maybe everyone knows how much it hurts..I sure do..its hard to feel lonely and think noone cares, its hard to have someone hurt you deeply over and over again..but you kno theres a WAY...theres a WAY that will make you so happy..its like unexplainable...sometimes lifes confusing..its tough...but all temptation and desire to be someone youre not or completly give up goes away..and you mean it when you laugh and smile and do GOOD things..not like just clean your room or walk the dog..but like make someone else SMILE.or just make yourself feel grateful for life.... i wish everyone could know that feeling. I wish you could feel the way i feel now compared to the way i felt before..its incredible..yeah im still looking forward to tough times because they make you the person you are and you learn alot from tough times..but choose to be happy..choose to live your life with a soul purpose. you are wonderfully created by God to do marvelous works. Start living that way.. start living life to the extreme..make choices that will forever change your life and others lives in an awesome way!!! Gods there for you..hes not a million miles away..hes not an unreachable, mean, uncaring God..hes a loving father ready to help you out and make life so much better for you. All YOU have to do its SEEK HIM! :)
"For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, I will bless you with a future filled with hope, a future filled with success not suffering" Jeremiah 29:11 (take time to read it)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and couragious. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged; For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go" Joshua 1:9
cmon laugh with me now :) :)


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