Monday, 27 October 2008

Bóthar na Siócháin

O'Riada's Album
This hymn ‘Bóthar na Síochána’(’The Road of Peace’) was written by Dónal O Liatháin and is featured on an album entitled ‘Winds-Gentle Whisper’ by Peadar O Riada. O’Riada is the son of Irelands best known modern composer the late Seán O Riada who most famously wrote the music for the film ‘Mise Eire’ (‘I Am Ireland’). The words of this piece are very powerful but to appreciate the depth of the song it really should be heard in its musical form on O Riada’s album. I’ll let Peadar’s album notes ( written in 1996) introduce the song… “This poem was written by my compadre Dónal O Liatháin during the period of 1987-’88 when the situation in Ulster was not very good. All the people of this island of Ireland wished for peace, but it eluded us at the time.I set the poem to music in the early summer of 1995 as we watched the fledgling peace process in the North of Ireland come under pressure.We hope that this will soon be just a reminder to us of the bad old times on this island, as peace for all with justice for all emerges and grows.”
Bóthar na Siocháin
A Thiarns Dia ár Slánathóir,
Tabhair dúinn do lámh ná tréig sinn.
A Thiarna Dia sa bhfásach sinn.
Is fuath is bás Caithréimeach.
Tú Thráigh an mhuir do Chlann Israél,
A bhí go docht í neighinn
‘Noís féach le trua is treoiríghsinn.
Chun síochána in Eirinn.
Ar bhóthar na sióchána.
Ar chosán díreach Dé.
Ar bhóthar na sióchána.
I gcáirdeas sinn go léir.
Tá dúthaigh romhainn go h-aoibhinn.
Beam ann le breacadh an lae.
Ach siúlaimis le chéile,
Gach láimh I lámhibh Dé.
Sheas tú go bás, a Shlánaitheoir.
Chun sinn ón mbás do shaoradh.
Tú crochta céasta ar an gcrois,
Mar íobairt dúinn Síol Eabha.
O bhróin an bháis atá ‘nár measc.
Tabhair sólás dúinn is feoéseamh.
Is treoraigh sinn-ne thuaidh is theas.
Chun síochána in Eirinn.
Dónal O Liatháin

The Road of Peace
O Lord God our Saviour,
Give us your hand, don’t forsake us.
O Lord God, in the wilderness we stand,
With hate and death triumphant.
You ebb the sea for the tribes of Israel,
Who were in dark enslavement.
So lead us now from north and south,
In peace for all in Ireland.

On the peaceful road now take us,
On the straight and Godly path
On the peaceful road forever
In friendship, hand in hand.
The promised land awaits us,
Through the gloom now shines the dawn.
So let us walk together,
In your tender hands each hand.

Steadfast you loved , O Saviour.
To death, from death to save us.
Nailed, crucified upon the cross
A sacrifice for Eve’s children
From death’s deep sorrow, grief and loss,
Give us relief and solace.
And lead us on from south and north
Toward peace for all in Ireland.
Dónal O Liatháin

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